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Matt Pallissard

Consulting Services

contact at pallissard dot net

Let’s connect and create a custom plan that solves your problems. Reach out to me at contact@pallissard.net.

Consulting Services

I specialize in providing services that add immediate value to your organization. I excel in offering actionable strategies for startups and large enterprises, government and private sector.


By anticipating future needs, planning for expansion, we can design solutions that instill investor confidence.

Large Enterprises

I have extensive experience in regulated industries, such as healthcare, space tech, and government. We can design modern solutions that ensure regulatory compliance, follow risk management policies, or enhance internal processes.

Cloud Migrations

Migrating to the cloud demands a strategic approach. I design maintainable, automated, and holistic solutions, ensuring your application thrives in its new environment. I focus on optimization, scalability, and taking full advantage of cloud benefits.

HPC Solutions

I automate cluster deployment, pinpoint bottlenecks, and optimize HPC applications, offering you a competitive edge in performance and efficiency.

DevOps Overhauls

Revamp your testing and deployment processes with me. I’ll address challenges like inadequate testing, incomplete automation, and infrastructure limitations to empower your DevOps transformation.