
ArticCon 2022 (continued)

HCL and usage

Here is an example block of HCL1 taken right from the terraform registry documentation

# main.tf
provider "google" {
  project     = "my-project-id"
  region      = "us-central1"

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "network-with-private-secondary-ip-ranges" {
  name          = "test-subnetwork"
  ip_cidr_range = ""
  region        = "us-central1"
  network       = google_compute_network.custom-test.id
  secondary_ip_range {
    range_name    = "tf-test-secondary-range-update1"
    ip_cidr_range = ""

  1. Hashicorp Configuration Language ↩︎

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Back to talks
1. Front Page
2. intro: before we begin
3. intro: my background
4. cloud config
5. cloud config: WebUI
6. cloud config: CLI
7. cloud config: IaC
8. cloud config: cognitive load
9. terraform: at a glance
10. terraform: HCL and usage
11. terraform: modules
12. So why not just use modules?
13. cdktf: enter language bindings
14. cdktf: compatible with terraform
15. schema: configuration
16. schema: networks
17. schema: firewalls
18. schema: peers
19. schema: enforcement
20. etl: for many reasons
21. etl: current and desired state
22. arguments: sidebar
23. etl: implementation
24. etl: additional types
25. etl: facilitating abstractions
26. abstraction: implementation details
27. abstraction: example
28. abstraction: but still concrete
29. types: but why
30. demo: full